Season 2 Episode 4 - Andi Greene: Cultural Appropriation & Getting Called Out

Would you rather strive to be an ally or an abolitionist? Abolition requires a commitment to risk. Risking your comfort, safety, and status to ensure that your Black and Brown counterparts experience equity and its afforded benefits.

Today I am sitting down with Andi Greene, host of Wine Down with Fly Gals on Instagram. She is also a scientist, a self proclaimed instigator, and an abolitionist.

We talk about her identity and how she is white passing and also Mexican; and her learnings from being complacent to becoming the abolitionist she now proclaims.

We also discuss cultural appropriation... and ironically Andi was recently calling out cultural appropriation on the company PostFly for profiting off sage in their Mother's Day box this year. Then she was called out on culturally appropriating an image she had on her screen while doing so. We talk about her learnings from this event and how to recover after appropriating other cultures.

How can the industry learn how to recover when appropriation happens and when we have such good intentions however those negatively impacted are long lasting?!



Season 2 Episode 5 - Corinne Doctor of Rep Your Water: Industry Leadership


Season 2 Episode 3 with Heather Hodson Neufeld: Becoming Anti-Racist & the Stages of Grief