Navigating the Intentions of white Women with Bianca McGrath Martinez

A month or so ago I had posted for an upcoming conversation titled “the impact of white  women’s intentions” I got an overwhelming response with questions. Thank you for those that took the time to submit them. 

As people of color, for us to be in community, we talk. We also support each other by listening and sharing our experiences. I had the opportunity to meet and be in community with Bianca McGrath Martinez. Today’s episode, we get to continue our personal conversation we’ve had in the past on our observations and experiences in working with white women in the angling space as well as in the outdoor non profit space. 

Bianca has a unique identity and moves about the world as a woman of color as well as a white woman. 

This episode is raw, a truth telling experience from us as individuals on how we navigate the impact of white women’s intentions in both the angling space as well as the outdoor nonprofit space. This episode is for white women looking to continue their anti racist journey in hopes to shine light on an area that needs to change. If you’ve ever said or thought, “what can I do, I just want to learn and be better.” This episode is for you. 

This is a part 1 of 3. We get to know Bianca and her experiences then will dive into the questions asked in the next 2 episodes. 



Navigating the Impact of white Women’s Intentions Part 2 with Bianca McGrath Martinez


The Stoke Behind Taco Fly Co with Mario Guel